Notable Dialogue:
ROM: Hi! I'm Rom. This is Nog, that's Brunt...
QUARK: Rom, he doesn't care.
KEEVAN: Truer words have never been spoken.
The Magnificent Ferengi is not everyone's cup of tea. Many people don't enjoy the Ferengi episodes, preferring their Star Trek to be a little more rooted in seriousness. I, however, love this episode. It is my favorite of the Ferengi episodes. The Ferengi have come so far from their introduction in The Next Generation. I believe that The Magnificent Ferengi marks the pinnacle of the "Ferengi reformation." Initially introduced to be the Klingons of TNG, the Ferengi failed miserably. DS9 showed that the Ferengi can live on in their own niche.
I, too, loved the holosuite scene. Quark and Brunt running around screaming, Leck killing the captive Ishka... that whole scene is brilliant. Who says slapstick comedy is dead?
I wonder if Nog had any issues with boarding Empok Nor once again? He didn't exactly have a great time there on his previous visit...
By the way, to answer your question about whether or not the recon mission into Dominion space is foreshadowing or not: it wasn't. Dramatically, that scene was in the episode to juxtapose traditional heroism with Quark's recent exploits and, by proxy, comparing "Starfleet heroism" to the image of the Ferengi: that is, not terribly heroic. However, there was a bit of foreshadowing in the episode, intentional and otherwise...
It was very interesting to see Iggy Pop in the role of Yelgrun. His dry, sardonic wit was terrific. I love the scene just before the prisoner exchange when Ishka is telling him all about how to improve his financial portfolio. He turns to her and says, "Fascinating. I'd love to hear more, but if your son doesn't show up soon, I'm going to have to kill you." As "in your face" as some of this episodes antics are, some of my favorite moments are the most subtle. The knowing looks exchanged between characters at various times (especially Quark, Rom, and Nog); the look on Sisko's face after Quark and Rom invade his office; and my absolute favorite: the smirk on Nog's face just after he brings Keevan "back to life."

(Some favorite subtle moments from The Magnificent Ferengi)
Finally, my favorite exchange in the entire episode:
When I watched this scene with a friend of mine for the first time, we had to back up the DVD a bit because we missed almost the entire next scene due to laughter.
Final thoughts: best of the Ferengi episodes, and does comedy well: 7.779/10
Next time: "Waltz"
I forgot to mention- I really enjoyed your video clip :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I searched for it on YouTube myself!