Wednesday, October 13, 2010

An unfortunately timed episode...

DS9 - 6x08 - "Resurrection"

And, one week later, I finally respond!  I apologize for taking so long, this week has been crazy-busy.

KIRA: "I take it you like him."
QUARK: "Let's just say I like the idea of you with him. But I'll tell you one thing, Major. You'd better brace yourself. You're in for a rough ride."

Ah, "Resurrection."  A somewhat weak link after a string of episodes that make up the epic "Dominion War" arc.  However, I firmly believe that any episode that follows immediately after that arc has an immediate handicap.  The first six episodes of the season flow so well, one into the next, each building on what came before, followed by the wedding episode that had been promised to the audience from the beginning of the arc... and then we get back to one-off episodes.  It's no wonder that many fans felt a little let down.  I think it was inevitable.

That said, there is much that redeems this episode.  As has been stated by Miramanee, Nana Visitor's acting is top notch, and I think that she has really found the 'voice' of Kira by this point in the series.  Also, it was very nice to see Bariel again, even if he's not 'our' Bariel.  Philip Anglim's portrayal of the alternate Bariel Antos was also very good, making the audience believe that this double of Vedek Bariel was a completely different person.

What the writers attempted to do with this episode was ambitious.  Up until now, the mirror universe episodes have followed a certain formula: one or more of our heroes are accidently thrown/intentionally lured into the alternate universe, and they have to figure out how to get back/earn their freedom to return.  This one, however, is unprecedented in that it is actually the mirror universe that is invading our own.  While certainly a unique take on the idea, it felt off, and I felt unable to suspend my disbelief as easily as I was able to with other mirror universe episodes.  Also, as Miramanee demonstrated, there are many that feel the mirror universe idea is a somewhat tired one.  I for one loved the last mirror universe outing ("Shattered Mirror"), and needless to say, Enterprise's two parter "In a Mirror, Darkly" is one of the finest couple of hours of Trek produced since Deep Space Nine went off the air.  However, I can understand the frustration with the alternate universe episodes, especially when there is so much story to explore in our own universe.  There will be only one more DS9 sojourn into the mirror universe, season seven's "The Emperor's New Cloak."

All in all, not a terrible episode, just not one of my favorites, which may be judged harshly due to its position relative to other episodes.

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